Studio in "Kunstnarhuset Messen", international residency for artists, Postboks 4, 5614 Ålvik, Hordaland, Norway.
Present - Working as an visual artist in the beautiful Hardanger fjord region in Norway. Exhibitions and projects in the Netherlands, Norway, England, Spain, France, Macao, Japan and India. And digital in Hong Kong and Argentina.
1996-1997 Art teacher. Pedagogical Didactic Diploma, 2e fase college education, Pedagogical Technic Academy Nederland, Enschede, the Netherlands
1991-1995 Bachelor in fine arts, sculpture and drawing, Academy of Fine Arts, AKI (now ArtEZ), Enschede, the Netherlands
1989-1991 Architecture, Technical University, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Work included in various public and private collections in the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Australia, Japan and in the US